
Kawaii Games’s New Brand

Heglaé M. Maia - Wednesday, 05 October de 2022

Hey, guys!

Kawaii Games logo has a new design. To be honest, a redesign where I try to simplify and leave it with a “Material Design” aesthetic that I really like.

The logo had its first version created in mid-2009 and my inspiration was Ms. Pac-Man, as her birth in the 80s was to bring women into the gaming world. And I really like this proposal and it’s basically what Kawaii Games is: bringing girls into the world of dress-up games and anime avatar creators.

Approximately in 2016 or 2017, I started taking a Web Design course because I wanted to learn how to make my website, after finishing the course and launching the redesigned website, I also renewed the logo, which was the one everyone knew, with the pink circle with the mascot. And now once again I felt the need to change the brand, but without losing the original essence. Hope you like the new version of Kawaii Games.

And the site will also be remodeled, but I can’t say a specific date, so I can only say it will be soon. ?


Tags: #brand #kawaii games #logo #redesign | Categorias: Brand

